
Tell Trail stage 6: Engelberg-Älggialp

Hiking Trail
25.6 km
Travel time
approx. 6h
Tour details
Tour details
Tell Trail stage 6: Engelberg-Älggialp
Lake Tannensee
Photo: Spot Magazin, Region Luzern-Vierwaldstättersee
Tell Trail stage 6: Engelberg-Älggialp
Photo: Samuel Büttler / obwalden.tourismus.ch, obwalden.tourismus.ch
Tell Trail stage 6: Engelberg-Älggialp
der Seefeldsee auf der Älggialp
Photo: Tamara Durrer, Region Luzern-Vierwaldstättersee
Tell Trail stage 6: Engelberg-Älggialp
die Älggialp
Photo: obwalden-tourismus.ch, Region Luzern-Vierwaldstättersee
Tell Trail stage 6: Engelberg-Älggialp
Mittelpunkt der Schweiz
Photo: obwalden-tourismus.ch, Region Luzern-Vierwaldstättersee
The sixth stage of the Tell Trail leads from Engelberg over the Joch pass to Melchsee-Frutt. Then it's past the Hochstollen and on up to Älggialp. 
In Engelberg, take the cable car to Lake Trüb and change there to the chairlift to the Joch pass. The following section is one of the most beautiful in Central Switzerland for hiking. From Lake Engstlen you pass over the Spycherflüe to Melchsee-Frutt. The second part of the trail takes you past the Hochstollen and along rocky paths to Lake Seefeld. The hike continues through the marshy Sachsler Seefeld nature reserve to the geographical centre of Switzerland at Älggialp. A night on the Älggialp is something very special.


Walking time: approx. 6 hours | Distance: 20 km (not including cableways) | Total elevation gain: 563 m (including cableways: 1,763 m ) | Total elevation loss: 1,157 m

Technical details

Tour type
Hiking Trail
Starting point
Point of arrival
5 / 6
563 m
1157 m
Best Time of Year
June, July, August, September, October
In Engelberg, take the cable car to Lake Trüb and change there to the chairlift to the Joch pass. The following section is one of the most beautiful in Central Switzerland for hiking. From Lake Engstlen you pass over the Spycherflüe to Melchsee-Frutt. The second part of the trail takes you past the Hochstollen and along rocky paths to Lake Seefeld. The hike continues through the marshy Sachsler Seefeld nature reserve to the geographical centre of Switzerland at Älggialp. A night on the Älggialp is something very special.
Safety information
T3: demanding mountain hiking. 


• Good surefootedness

• Average navigation skills

• Elementary alpine experience

Sturdy footwear.
Author’s advice
Attention cheese lovers:  On stage 6 you will pass traditional Sbrinz cheese dairies where you can taste the typical Swiss cheese. It's worth making a stop here:


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Good to know

Kostenpflichtige Parkplätze bei der Talstation der Seilbahn Engelberg-Titlis
Accessible by bus and train
Public transport
Engelberg erreicht man mit einer 45-minütigen Zugfahrt ab Luzern. 
Further information & links
This stage is part of the long-distance Tell Trail, which runs through the whole of Central Switzerland in eight stages.


Further information on the Tell Trail: www.luzern.com/telltrail